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How to get connected
The 3 Commando Brigade Public Server runs 24/7 and is open to all players, regardless of whether you are a 3CB member or not.
We run custom-designed missions using modifications (“Mods”) to the vanilla game. All players need to run a core set of Mods which can be downloaded simply using Arma3Sync and our [3CB] Public Modset.
How to get connected:
- Install TeamSpeak 3
- Download Arma3Sync
- Connect to the 3CB A3Sync Repository using:
- Download or Update Mods using Arma3Sync
- Run the TFAR Installer from Arma3Sync * on first install only *
- Connect to the 3CB Team Speak Server:
- Join the 3CB Public Server
- Installing A3Sync - 0:35
- Connecting to the Repo - 3:02
- Installing TFAR - 5:10
- Connecting to our server - 6:42
publicserver/connecting.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/08 10:22 by reV